Full Name: Jack Delinger
Date of Birth: June 22, 1926
Nationality: American
Profession: Competitive Bodybuilder, Gym Owner
Height: 5'6" (167.5cm)
Weight: 185 - 195lbs (83.9 - 88.5kg)
Chest Size: 47.5"
Waist Size: 32"
Era: 1940s, 1950s
Major Achievements: Mr. Northern California 1946, AAU Mr. America 1949, Mr. Universe 1956
Training Philosophy: Whole Body Compound Training with emphasis on multiple muscle groups and higher reps.
Favorite Exercises: Bench Press, Barbell Cheat Curls, Bent Over Rows, Squats, Upright Rows
Nutrition Philosophy: Eat big and hearty meals, focus on high protein intake.
Influences: John Grimek, Steve Reeves, Ed Yarick