Mr. America Winners AAU (1939 – 1999)

The Impact of Old-School Bodybuilding on Modern Fitness Culture

1939: Bert Goodrich (First Mr. America – not sanctioned by AAU) & Roland Essmaker

1940: John Grimek

1941: John Grimek

1942: Frank Leight

1943: Jules Bacon

1944: Steve Stanko

1945: Clarence Ross

1946: Alan Stephan

1947: Steve Reeves

1948: George Eiferman

1949: Jack Delinger

1950: John Farbotnik

1951: Roy Hilligenn

1952: Jim Park

1953: Bill Pearl

1954: Dick DuBois

1955: Steve Kilsanin

1956: Ray Schaefer

1957: Ron Lacy

1958: Tom Sansone

1959: Harry Johnson

1960: Lloyd Lerille

1961: Raymond Routledge

1962: Joe Abbenda

1963: Vern Weaver

1964: Val Vasilieff

1965: Jerry Daniels

1966: Bob Gajda

1967: Dennis Tinerino

1968: Jim Haislop

1969: Boyer Coe

1970: Chris Dickerson

1971: Casey Viator

1972: Steve Michalik

1973: Jim Morris

1974: Ron Thompson

1975: Dale Adrian

1976: Kalman Szkalak

1977: Dave Johns

1978: Tony Pearson

1979: Ray Mentzer

1980: Gary Leonard

1981: Tim Belknap

1982: Rufus Howard

1983: Jeff King

1984: Joe Meeko

1985: Michael Antorino

1986: Glenn Knerr

1987: Richard Barretta

1988: William Norbeng

1989: Matt DuFresne

1990: Peter Miller

1991: Joe DeAngelis

1992: Mike Scarcella

1993: Billy Nothaft

1994: Andrew Sivert

1995: Terence Hairston

1996: Doug Rieser

1997: Bill Davey

1998: Harvey H. Campbell

1999: Tracey Dorsey

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